What Happens on Your First DUI Offense in NJ?

Don’t drink and drive. Even if you feel sober enough at the moment, there’s a good chance you’re not. It only takes a few drinks to go over the limit, so it’s better to call an Uber than to risk hurting others and your future.
Getting a DUI can lead to some serious penalties, even if you’ve never had one before. If you’re found guilty of drunk driving in New Jersey and it’s your first offense, you’ll face one of these sentences:
Blood Alcohol Concentration of .08 to .10
Your car will need a mandatory Ignition Interlock Device (IID) installed for 3 months. Your driver’s license will also be suspended, but only until the IID is installed. This means the license suspension can be limited to just a short period until the interlock is installed and a new interlock license is issued.
Blood Alcohol Concentration of .10 to .15
Your car will get an IID installed for 7-12 months. In addition, your driver’s license will be immediately suspended until the IID is installed and a new interlock license is issued.
Blood Alcohol Concentration Higher Than .15
Your driver’s license will be suspended for 4-6 months and a mandatory IID will be installed for the entire suspension (plus an additional 9-15 months).
Contact Attorney John W. Tumelty for DUI Defense
If you’ve been charged with drunk driving, don’t hesitate to contact the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty today. Attorney John W. Tumelty is available any time, day or night, to speak to you about a DUI/DWI charge. Call 609.390.4600 or fill out the online contact form to get your free consultation.